
USA’S & Turkey’s trade statistics and country-wise trade data

Based on the customs import data of the USA, the total import value of the nation has increased by 0.6% which is $288.5 billion as of September 2021. Computers and electric apparatus are some of the major purchases of capital goods estimated at around $2.5 billion.

As per the market research reports of 2020 & trading economics global macro models, by the end of this quarter, USAs imports are expected to reach $290000.00 million US dollars.

According to the market analysis and report data, in 2022 and 2023 Imports of the USA are estimated to trend around $269000.00 million US dollars and $271000.00 million US dollars respectively.

Current Import-Export Trade Stats Of The USA

  • Trade Balance: $-80934.00 million as of Sep 2021.
  • Imports: $288492.00 million as of Sep 2021.
  • Exports: $207558.00 million as of Sep 2021.
  • Goods Trade Balance: $-96250.00 million as of Sep 2021.
  • GDP: 2%
  • Current Account: $-190282 million

USA import data by country shows that Plastics, Vehicles, Photographic, Optical & Medical Equipment, Machinery, Metal & Pearls, Organic Chemicals, Pharma Products, mattresses, Bedding & Furniture, Mineral Fuels & Oils are some of the major import categories of the USA.

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USA’s customs import data and market analysis also show that Germany, Ireland, Mexico, Japan, South Korea, Switzerland, Vietnam, China, Canada, and Taipei-Chinese are some of the major import partner countries of this nation.

Country-Wise Data Of Turkey Imports & Export

The customs data of Turkey Imports that we provide is derived from authorized sources of information by a team of experts and professionals.

We at EXiM convert raw data collected from various fields of the global import-export market and customs departments and perform various market research reports and analysis and transform that raw data into useful information and provide vital insights into the global import-export activities of various countries all around the globe.

The data of Turkey imports states that Turkey was the 26th world’s largest importer country in 2020 and the total import value of this country during 2020 was worth around $219 billion.

According to the Turkey export data, this country was the world’s largest exporter country during 2020 and the total export value was worth approximately $169.4 billion.

Major Import-Export & Partner countries of Turkey

Based on the market analysis of turkey export data, Machinery, Articles of Iron & Steel, Plastics, Electrical Machinery & Equipment, Edible Fruits & Nuts, Precious Stones & Pearls, Not- Knitted & Knitted or Crocheted Apparel & Clothing, Steel & Iron were some of the major imports of Turkey in 2020, where Russia, Israel, United States, Germany, Italy, France, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Spain were top export partners.

The market analysis and customs data of Turkey imports also disclose the list of its major imports and import partner countries.

The custom data and trade statistics of Turkey imports show that in 2020, Organic Chemicals, Vehicles, Electrical Machinery & Equipment, Machinery, Plastics, Pharma Products, Photographic, Optical & Medical Equipment were some of the major imports of Turkey where United Arab Emirates, United States, South Korea, China, Russia, Italy, France, Switzerland, Iraq, and Germany were the major import partners.

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Some of the major countries on which we offer import-export trade data

India import data                                                                                           India export data

Vietnam import data                                                                              Vietnam export data

Indonesia import data                                                                         Indonesia export data

Turkey import data                                                                                     Turkey export data

Bangladesh import data                                                                  Bangladesh export data

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